Photpost:The Blogger Camera

Canon DSLR

Canon Camera

‘Blogger Camera’ is a phrase that the lovey  Ronke (Ondo Lady) uses to describe the fact that many bloggers use a Canon DSLR.

When I first started my blog, I swore that between my Kodak point and shoot and my phone, were all the camera tech that I needed.

Old Kit

However, after a year of posts which contained some good and some slightly out of focus pictures (it is not always easy to get a super detailed image of a beauty product)  I decided that it was time to upgrade – and what better opportunity for this investment then my birthday?


I got the camera  about three weeks before my birthday so that I could use it at a couple of events to see how I got on with it.  I first tested it at #TheWITJShow and then the Swap in the City event – and have been posting some picture heavy posts ever since.

Canon Camera 2

I am not planning to do YouTube, my focus is stills photography.  The Canon 550D is not the most recent release, but it has  more than enough bells and whistles for me!!

Lots to learn

I still have a huge amount to learn, but I think that there is a clear difference in the sharpness and quality of my point and shoot and  DLSR images.  I recently wrote a post where I use images from both cameras taken on the same day and the difference (to me) it is quite clear.  Have you worked out which post it is?

Walking the Dog 1

Walking the Dog 3

Walking the Dog

I hope you  can already and will continue to see an improvement as I get to grips with all the different functions of my new piece of kit.

Statue 5

Statue 3

Statue 1

In the meanwhile I will keep practising…

Roses (2)



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