New Launch: SBC Camphor and Menthol Massage Gel

SBC Camphor and Menthol Massage Gel

The colour of this product is insane!!!  This bright blue gel from SBC is the Camphor and Menthol Massage Gel.  If you are accustomed to SBC Gels you will know that they are water based and cooling on the skin.  This blue gel however extends the cooling effect due to the camphor which has a mild local anaesthetic effect and the menthol. Menthol causes the temperature of the area it is applied to, to change (cool) which is important because our ability to sense pain and our ability to feel temperature are very closely related so a change in temperature can give pain relief.  The texture of this massage gel is slightly more emollient (due to the evening primrose oil) as the specific purpose of this gel is to massage with it.

SBC Camphor and Menthol Massage Gel

If you have ever used Deep Freeze or a cooling spray, this is the SBC equivalent.  If you have tension in the back neck and shoulders, this product used in massage give great relief.  If you have been on your feet all day or in uncomfortable (too high) shoes this gel can provide instant refreshment and as with all SBC gels if your skin is sensitive to massage, a generous application of this gel can be applied and reapplied to maintain the cool effect.

SBC Camphor and Menthol Massage Gel

If you have over exerted yourself at the gym and you have that second day muscle ache this apply some of this gel and feel better.  As with many SBC Gels, it is one of the products that you don’t realise that you need… until you need it.  Currently available from QVCUK as part of a kit, you can pick it up from the SBC website from 1st February  for nineteen pounds


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